Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The Cutest Baby Shower Wishes That Make Moms Go Crazy

The Cutest Baby Shower Wishes That Make Moms Go Crazy People are often unsure as to how they should wish the parents of the new baby on the occasion of a baby shower. Greetings like Congratulations dont seem impressive enough, while statements like, So you are going to have a baby! seem downright foolish! Baby showers are great occasions to make use of thought-provoking and memorable quotes. Greet the parents-to-be with well-meaning baby shower quotes. Memorable Quotes   Anne Morrow LindberghIn the sheltered simplicity of the first days after a baby is born, one sees again the magical closed circle, the miraculous sense of two people existing only for each other.Ed HoweFamilies with babies and families without babies are sorry for each other.George MacDonald, At the Back of the North WindWhere did you come from, baby dear?Out of the everywhere and into here.Mark TwainA babys an inestimable blessing and bother.Barbara Christine SeifertA baby is a blank cheque made payable to the human race.Charles OsgoodBabies are always more trouble than you thought - and more wonderful.Andy WarholSince people are going to be living longer and getting older, theyll just have to learn how to be babies longer.Henny YoungmanWhat is a home without children? Quiet.Edwin H. ChapinNo language can express the power and beauty and heroism of a mothers love.Theresa BloomingdaleIf your baby is beautiful and perfect, never cries or fusses, sleeps on schedule and burps on demand, an angel all the time, youre the grandma. Brienne KearneyBabies make your heart bigger!Matthew BroderickHaving a baby changes the way you view your in-laws. I love it when they come to visit now. They can hold the baby and I can go out.Don HeroldBabies are such a nice way to start people.Eda J. Le ShanBabies are necessary to grown-ups. A new baby is like the beginning of all things- wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities. In a world that is cutting down its trees to build highways, losing its earth to concrete... babies are almost the only remaining link with nature, with the natural world of living things from which we spring.Trevor FishlockBabies here seem to be almost as rare as panda cubs.Jarod KintzI love how babies look like old people. I saw a baby the other day that looked exactly like my grandpa, only taller.Cass ElliotHaving the baby changed my life a lot. I dont want to go on the road.Bill CosbyHaving a child is surely the most beautifully irrational act that two people in love can commit.Sigmund FreudNo one who h as seen a baby sinking back satiated from the breast and falling asleep with flushed cheeks and a blissful smile can escape the reflection that this picture persists as a prototype of the expression of sexual satisfaction in later life. Anne LamottFeeding a baby is like filling a hole with putty- you get it in and then you sort of shave off all the excess around the hole and get it back in, like youre spackling.Frank A. ClarkA baby is born with a need to be loved and never outgrows it.Ronald KnoxA baby is a loud noise at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other.Robert PaulDid you ever notice that a new baby always seem to bear a striking resemblance to the relative who has the most money?Jill WoodhullDont ever tell the mother of a newborn that her babys smile is just gas.Mark TwainA soiled baby with a neglected nose cannot be conscientiously regarded as a thing of beauty.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Assess Administration's Efforts Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Assess Administration's Efforts - Coursework Example Fein (2002) defines several feature of school violence which point out at the fact that school administration always has enough hits to predict and prevent future attack. According to Dwyer, Osher, & Warger (1998), there are always some â€Å"warning early signs† which should attract attention of educators. For instance, most cases are committed by students who experience personal failure or loss. Many students know when the incident takes place and who is involved. Serious cases of violence often become the final point of long-term bullying practices. At the same time, there is not exact profile of students who can be engaged in school violence; it is the reason why teachers need to be highly objective in their attitude to different students. Overall, these observation show that school administration has enough evidence to detect and prevent school violence before it happens. According to Hernandez and Seem (2014), positive climate is a way to safe school environment for many educational establishments across the country. Instead of working on separate cases of violence which takes place at schools, administration must create positive and healthy climate where violence and disrespectful behavior seem to be out of place. Changing school climate is a difficult task as it splits in four directions. The first direction is related to changing student’s attitude to his or her personality. School counselor, psychologists and teachers should clearly communicate values which promote self-respect, dignity and responsibility. The second direction of educators’ work focuses on promotion of healthy relationships between peers which represent respect to each other, positive attitude and optimism. Two other directions represented by Hernandez and Seem (2014) are related to relationships between students and their parents/community and students and school workers. Miscommunication with parents, community exclusion and oppression by school administration often

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Poetry- Hidden Social or Politicial Ideology or Agenda Essay

Poetry- Hidden Social or Politicial Ideology or Agenda - Essay Example His poems were much influenced by the African-American Jazz Music and the contents were radical. However, this was not given much attention. Because â€Å"his radical poetry was neglected,† a tone of frustration and the willingness to revolt are very evident in his poem, â€Å"Harlem† (Dawahare 21). The series of questions would lead the readers to realize the climax. â€Å"Harlem† is a poem which describes a people full of longing to be truly free from discrimination and marginalization; their ideals and dream of social equity is prevalent amidst the oppression of the white American community. The â€Å"dream† (Hughes line 1) being referred by Hughes is the yearning of the black Americans to equality; a dream stressing out that they too, are people with feelings and intellect and not mere slaves that the whites made them to be. The onset of abolitionism gave the African-Americans liberty and the government gave them rights that they were not able to exercise before such as the right to vote and the right to own a property. Despite of the government abolishing the slavery, they could not achieve fully what they really wanted. Hughes used images that appeal to the senses as if the dream he is talking about is tangible; can be seen and felt. The second â€Å"big question† mentioned in the poem: â€Å"Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun?† (Hughes 2) might suggest a very symbolic representation of an African American ideal. Like a grape losing its juice when exposed to the sun for a long time, a dream may lose its vitality if it is not realized in time . Putting together side by side two very unlike objects which seem to set in the opposite poles adds more effect in the delivery of the message; a very large object, powerful, and made as a god by ancient people (the sun), and an object made from a preserved fruit, almost unnoticeable (the raisin). Next symbolism that can be

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Principles of manegement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Principles of manegement - Essay Example Each level of management has its role and contribution to the overall affairs and processes of running an organisation. This is because each unit and each section of an organisation has its function and this comes together in the organisational chart of an organisation which coordinates affairs. The strategic level of management is the topmost level of management and it is involved in the long-term planning and setting the tone for the running of the entire organisation (Hill & Jones, 2012). The strategic level of management is involved with defining the tone of business and affairs because it is made up of the topmost managers who derive their authority directly from the owners of the organisation (Cole, 2013). The operational level management of an organisation consists of the middle ranked managers and they take up management roles that are based on targets and standards set by the top level management (Freeman, 2010). They take up instructions from the top of the organisation and implement them. Usually, they also give instructions to the tactical level management. They are involved in medium term planning and functional units of an organisation (Freeman, 2010). Tactical level management are in charge of the actual implementation of ideas and instructions from the operational level on the ground (Barlow, 2013). They are seen as the frontline managers and they act as supervisors to the working core and the main workers. They are responsible for short-term decision making and they deal with the operational core of the organisation. In Tesco, the CEO and the Board members form the strategic management unit. Down the line, the regional functional managers and store managers who come below the top managers in the organisational chart form the operational core. The supervisors and teams on the retail floor are the tactical managers and they take decisions that are in charge of the day-to-day running of the organisation. Management culture refers

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Effect of Schemas on Our Understanding of the Social World

Effect of Schemas on Our Understanding of the Social World Victoria Lishman With reference to relevant research studies, evaluate the extent to which our understanding of our social world is constrained by our schemas. Every[p1] day people use their senses to gain a lot of information about the world they live in. To help filter the important information, (people) human beings have developed processes to help make sense of the world around them. One process that people use is schemas; these (are based on) can produces stereotypes but provide (and) predictability. Schemas relate to particular objects, roles, events or people, they are based on memory and knowledge. However there are times where schemas can be wrong for instance if people jump to conclusions based on a stereotype which turns out to be false. There has been a variety of different research studies into the topic of schemas, how they work, how they change as well as what happens when a stereotype turns out to be wrong. This assignment will examine some of the research studies and their value in evaluating how far schemas constrain how people understand the world. People gain too much information from the world around them to accurately (understand) process it, filtering needs to occur in order for people to clarify what is important. Heider suggested that for people to understand the world they use regularity, predictability and cause and effect (Buchanan, Anand, Joffe and Thomas, 2007). Schemas contain knowledge about particular objects, people and scripts, and the information is organised in memory. It is stored and accessed in a certain way and can be added to changed or used as people learn new or different information that will change the stereotype they have on a certain object (Buchanan, Anand, Jaffe and Thomas, 2007). There are many different types of schemas, they can be about people, social roles or events, they are all used as a way of filtering as people do not have the ability to take on all information (Buchanan, Anand, Joffe and Thomas, 2007). As schemas contain generalised knowledge about objects, they can be wrong and can aff ect how people see future situations related to the object. This shows that how people see the social world can be constrained by their schemas. Information some see as being unimportant may alter the view of a person that someone else may have a different opinion of. Schemas can affect how people see the world as what people perceive is shaped by their knowledge, expectations and assumptions about the way the world is (Buchanan, Anand, Joffe and Thomas, 2007), this means that schemas can often control how people see their social world. The research study which found that schemas exist suggests that peoples social world is controlled by schemas was the research by Bartlett, (1932), who found that when English people were asked to retell a Native American folk tale it became more English over time (Buchanan, Anand, Jaffe and Thomas, 2007). They added more English expectations to it, changing the story to make sense to them, making it easier to remember and retell. This research study could be made more valid if it was done in more cultures, for example if an Indian person was asked to retell an English story, as it would allow for more participants and allow for a more generalised conclusion. The experiment by Bartlett held a lot of value as it st arted other psychologists looking in to the subject of schemas and their influence on how people understand their world and how much control they have over how people understand their social world. The method of this experiment is impacted by memory as it is unknown over what length of time the retelling of the folk tale occurs, there could have been a controlled condition where the same people were asked to retell an English folk tale to see how much they change or remember of it. This suggests that the understanding of the social world is controlled by schemas[p2]. A different research study by Darley and Gross (1983), showed that when people were asked to give their view on a girl’s academic ability based on whether she came from a high socio-economic status or a low socio-economic one, they suggested she would have an average ability. However after watching a video of her doing an oral exam which showed her having an average academic ability, their view changed. The participants who had watched the introductory video of her from a high socio-economic background suggested she had a high academic ability. However the participants that had watched the low socio-economic background introduction video suggested she had a low academic ability. This shows that the participants’ stereotypes which they had after the introductory video seemed to be confirmed after the oral video. This research study suggests that rich children are judged to be more similar to each other than to those from a lower socio-economic background (Buchanan, Anand , Jaffe and Thomas, 2007). This research study showed that while people do not generally want to seem as stereotyping others, (stereotypical,) by not jumping to a conclusion after just watching either introductory video, they seemed to have already made up their mind before watching the second video. This shows that schemas are very powerful and can lead people to conclusions without gathering all the information. The[p3] method is (accurate) valid as it allows for both the high socio-economic status stereotype and the low socio-economic stereotype. This suggests that how people see and understand the social world is constrained by schemas as the roles people are given determine other generalisations. The research study that Ruscher et al (2000) did showed that when a person is dependent on another person as well as themselves, the impression of another person is likely to be less b(i)ased on schemas and involve more information which may contradict the expectations of the person which were first thought of. This suggests that when it matters people can be more open to going beyond their initial expectations (Buchanan, Anand, Jaffe and Thomas, 2007). This experiment also shows that schemas are more efficient as people avoid doing more work unless they have to. The method of the Ruscher et al (2000) experiment was valid as it used four different conditions and the conclusion was drawn up by looking at the average time it took participants to make a comment about the target person. The conclusion drawn from the experiment showed that motivational relevance does effect the importance, people place on schemas and shows that people can form impressions based on characteristics not belo nging in the original stereotype of a person, object or event (Buchanan, Anand, Jaffe and Thomas, 2007). This research study allows for the research into schemas to be extended, it suggests future research into what other reasons people might allow for not simply going with the stereotype, is there other reasons or different motivation apart from monetary gain? It would also be interesting to see if people would do this without any motivation at all. The research shows that in some cases the social world is not constrained by schemas, that people can look beyond stereotypes; however it also asks more questions in this area[p4]. This[p5] assignment has examined several different research studies that look at schemas and shown that although in some cases schemas do control how people understand the social world, there are experiments that have shown that people can go beyond the stereotype and look at people, objects or events in different ways. The Bartlett study showed that people use schemas to change a folktale to fit in with their culture, what they understand to be right, how people are supposed to behave. The Darley and Gross study showed that people interpret things in a way to support a stereotype which they already believe to be true. However, the Ruscher et al study has shown that people can change what they believe to be true, that they can add or take away characteristics of a person so that they no longer fit with a previous stereotype. These studies together have shown that while most understanding of the social world is controlled by schemas, it is possible for stereotypes to be changed. Howev er the Rusher et al study which showed this, used motivation for people to change their stereotypes and therefore it means that there could be more research done in this area. Word count: 1357 Bibliography Buchanan, K., Anand, P., Jaffe, H. and Thomas, K. (2007) Perceiving and understanding the social world in Miell, D. Pheonix, A. Thomas, K. (Eds.), Mapping psychology (2nd ed.). Milton Keynes: The Open University. [p1]A reasonable introduction which shows understanding of the issue, and tells the reader how you mean to tackle the question. [p2]Clear account of Bartlett’s work with some relevant commentary about the methodology. [p3]However, it could be said to lack ecological validity since the scenario is presented in a very different way to the real world. [p4]Clear, accurate and concise account of this study, its methodological benefits and implications in relation to the question. [p5]A clear and well- focused conclusion, which clearly summarises you points, in relation to the question,

Friday, October 25, 2019

Impermanence, Selflessness, And Dissatisfaction Essay examples -- essa

Impermanence, Selflessness, and Dissatisfaction Buddhism is neither a religion nor a philosophy, but rather a way of life. This does not imply that Buddhism is nothing more than an ethical code: it is a way of moral, spiritual and intellectual training leading to complete freedom of the mind. (DeSilva, 1991:p 5). Of the many Buddhist sects, Zen Buddhism places particular emphasis on living ‘the right' life, and does not revolve around rite and ritual. Buddhism outlines the three characteristics of existence, which aids one in achieving enlightenment. Impermanence, selflessness, and dissatisfaction are concepts that are easily understood on an intellectual level, but to apply these concepts in one's life is challenging. Impermanence is concerned with the thought that nothing remains static, and change is to be expected. Selflessness holds that there is no immortal soul or external Self that exists in each individual; (Fadiman & Frager,1994:p 545) selflessness is closely connected with impermanence. Dissatisfaction is a larger concept entir ely- it involves the acknowledgment that suffering exists. The world is founded on suffering, (DeSilva, 1991:p 21) and once anything becomes a problem there is bound to be suffering, unsatisfactoriness, or conflict- conflict between our desires and the state of reality. Dissatisfaction is the most difficult characteristic of existence to apply to one's life, as it involves not only the acceptance of this state, but also outlines one on how to treat and cure this state.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The notion that the world is an ever-changing environment on all levels of existence is not a radical idea. In fact, those that have not yet accepted change as a natural state of nature is denying the reality of life. A being and the empirical world are both constantly changing. They come into being and pass away. All is in a whirl, nothing escapes this inexorable unceasing change, and because of this transient nature nothing is really pleasant. There is happiness, but very momentary, it vanishes like a flake of snow, and brings about unsatisfactoriness (DeSilva, 1991:p 29). Both pleasant and unpleasant conditions come and go, it is then the responsibility of the individual to deal with each situation in the ‘right' way. Understanding that there is no universal truth, that thoughts and ideas evolve- leaves one open to impr... ... individual is in the fortunate position of having the ability to end the suffering conditions, whether they be psychological or physical.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Consequently, the Buddhist characteristics of existence are useful to the average individual. These concepts can aid the individual in healthy analysis of their behavior and motivations, as well as offer methods that enable one to actively change aspects of their life that they may be dissatisfied with. BIBLIOGRAPHY DeSilva, J.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Spectrum of Buddhism: The Writings of Piyadassi.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Buddhist Missionary Society: New York, 1991. Fadiman, J. Personality and Personal Growth. HarperCollins College Frager, R.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Publishers: United States, 1994. Suzuki, D.T.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Manual of Zen Buddhism. Rider: London, New York, 1956. Web Sites http://www.ncf.carelton.ca/freenet/rootdi...ism/introduction/truths/NobleTruth- -1.html http://www.inet.co.th/cyberclub/over_buddhism.html

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Threats Of Increasing Global Warming Environmental Sciences Essay

Global heating, besides referred to as the nursery consequence, is the ageless addition in the mean temperature of the Earth ‘s near-surface and oceans. It has been one of the environment ‘s and worlds ‘ greatest menaces for the last decennary. Its chief menaces are the additions of the mean temperature of the Earth, rises in sea degrees, and climate alteration among others and in the most utmost instance, it could kill all of us along with the terminal of the universe. In the old old ages, emanations of nursery gases in the ambiance were balanced out by those that were of course absorbed.A As a consequence, nursery gases concentrations have been reasonably stable giving a consistent clime and thereby keeping even planetary temperatures. However, with the usage of more and more energy and resources over clip, the Earth can non absorb the extra pollutants any longer and they are hence retained in the ambiance and this causes major jobs as explained below. First, air pollution is one of the chief causes of planetary heating. The latter is caused by human activities affecting the inordinate usage of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, crude oil and natural gas among others, to bring forth electricity, heat our places, power our mills and run our cars.A These fossil fuels contain C which is released when they are burned, they the combine with O to organize C dioxide in the ambiance. Greenhouse gases are besides released ; viz. C dioxide, methane, azotic oxide and fluorocarbons. Carbon dioxide is the most harmful one to the nature since it is the gas with the higher concentration in our planet. Harmonizing to the statistics of the Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Centre, there have been a rise in the C dioxide concentration of more than 2 parts per million during the twelvemonth 2001 and 2005[ 1 ]. The extra nursery gases stay in the ambiance and these act as a shield, which reflect all the sunshine energy back to the Earth taking to overh eating. In other words, sunshine is let through the ambiance and the reflected sunshine beams are kept at bay interior. Furthermore, there is the inordinate usage of man-made merchandises which contain Cl, F and C. There is besides methane which is released from landfills and agribusiness, azotic oxide from fertilisers, vehicles and gases used for infrigidation and industrial procedures C dioxide. These destroy our ozone bed, either by diminishing its thickness or by doing holes in it. We can non afford the depletion of the ozone bed, since it protects the Earth and us from high UV radiation. As a consequence of this, extremely energetic solar beams get straight into contact with the Earth, and merely a few of its energy has been absorbed by the ozone bed. Together with the pollutants that are already blocked in the ambiance, this intense energy is trapped in bend indoors as explained above. The Environment Agency reports show that there has been an addition of about 2 Degrees Celsius of in the Earth ‘s mean temperature since 2002[ 2 ] Furthermore, another great cause of planetary heating is deforestation which involves the cutting down trees to supply land infinite for agricultural intents or building intents among others. In proficient footings, the trees absorb C dioxide and release oxygen.A This procedure occurs of course by photosynthesis, which occurs less and less as we cut and burn down trees.A As the copiousness of trees diminutions, less C dioxide can be recycled.A As they are burned down, more C is released into the air, adding to the nursery consequence. In other words, C dioxide is being added to the ambiance at a faster rate than photosynthesis can take the extra gas with deforestation. The research conducted by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, some 13 million hectares of woods worldwide are lost every twelvemonth and deforestation represents about 30 % of the nursery gases emitted yearly[ 3 ]. This loss is important to climate alteration, because life on Earth is C based ; trees build themselves with the C dioxide that would otherwise heat our ambiance. Forests act as a mammoth sponge, conserving H2O. They shade and moderate temperature, shelter beings from air current and cold, and bring forth nutrient for us.[ 4 ] Coupled with these, there are some other minor causes of the nursery consequence, viz. : cowss rise uping, rice cultivation, heavy dumping in the landfills and H2O, the usage in of pesticides and insect powders that contain toxic chemicals, dust produced from rock crushers, escape in atomic industries and volcanic eruptions among the legion others. As we have seen so far, human existences every bit good as engineering are the chief perpetrators for the bad status of the environment today and we are the lone 1 that can work out it, if non cut down it to let the endurance of the future coevals. The impacts of planetary heating are immense as good and they are really harmful in the long tally. We have already witnessed it and it is acquiring worse. However, there can be a 2nd ice age if the Earth does non warm up at all and this can be regarded as the lone â€Å" benefit † of planetary heating. In the visible radiation of the above, we can reason that planetary heating, which is speed uping, which is a human-created phenomenon that is really unsafe and must be reduced. In brief, planetary heating is the release of nursery gases in the ambiance ensuing into the nursery consequence. They are formed chiefly due human activities that pollute the air, big graduated table cutting down of woods and the usage of CFC merchandises and are doing more nursery gases, particularly C dioxide, to construct up quickly in the ambiance. There is an pressing demand to cut down the emanation of these gases ; the maximal humanly possible. While authoritiess debate for actions, nature Teachs humanity this lesson: Earth is heating up, drastic alterations can happen any clip every bit shortly as a certain threshold is exceeded and it is clip for us, great and strong people, to pay attending and react and neutralise this phenomenon called planetary heating. The quicker we can respond and the more em anation we can forestall, the better it is since the Earth is alone.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Satirical Elements in “Slaughterhouse-Five”

Kurt Vonnegut uses a variety of elements including satire which he was credited with being a master of, in â€Å"Slaughterhouse-Five† where he tells the story of Billy Pilgrim. The book is loosely based on Vonnegut’s experiences during the firebombing of Dresden in World War II. The literary element in â€Å"Slaughterhouse-Five† that I will focus on is this paper is his element of satire. Even the plot of this novel can be found to have satire in it. This main character Billy Pilgrim becomes unstuck in time after being abducted by aliens from the planet Tralfamadore where he is mated with a porn star. I even found satire in that Billy Pilgrim, was a bumbling and unlikely hero character. The fictional alter ego Billy Pilgrim was born in 1922, which if you happen to know about Vonnegut’s life, he too was born in 1922. I find satire in his Vonnegut’s fictional author, Kilgore Trout. It is rumored that this â€Å"Kilgore† could have been anyone from author Theodore Sturgeon, science fiction author Philip K. Dick or even Vonnegut’s own alter ego. Readers could find satire in the circumstances of the death of character Edgar Derby. Edgar was among the survivors of the war of Dresden and was engaged in the clean-up activities. The imprisoned soldiers were instructed to use flame-throwers to burn the bodies and the ruins of the war left in Dresden. Derby then gets shot by a guard for simply taking a teapot from the ruins after Derby had survived the fire-bombing of Dresden during World War II. In one part of â€Å"Slaughterhouse-Five,† we find an inebriated Billy Pilgrim entering his car while desperately trying to locate the missing steering wheel to the car and the readers are then clued in that he has entered the back seat area of the car. In another part of â€Å"Slaughterhouse-Five† Billy Pilgrim becomes unstuck in time while watching television. We read as Billy then watches a war film backwards and then he watches it forwards. During the wedding night to his wife Valencia, he first travels from the zoo on Tralfamadore. Billy wakes up only to find himself in a German prison camp. Upon returning from the bathroom, he finds himself back with his wife. Billy goes to sleep again only to wake up on a train to his father’s funeral. The story used satire and dark humor somewhat interchangeably at points. A kind of ironic satire perhaps could be found when Billy’s American compatriot Roland continues to hit Billy because he feels Billy is moving too slowly. The German soldiers or â€Å"the enemies† then arrive and rescue Billy from further mistreatment from his American compatriot. Billy’s fear of being displayed naked in the zoo could be satire or associated with Billy (or Vonnegut) not yet feeling comfortable in revealing his personal thought processes at this time. He could have been aware enough that he realized he didn’t want to be exposed for who he really was at that point in his life or that point in his mind. One could count it political satire when Vonnegut includes bits denegrading U. S. foreign policy and the U. S. Army in general. Vonnegut also satires egocentricity. I suppose some of the satire can be seen in how Billy Pilgrim criticizes those who are not assertive, those who are not in control of their lives. However, throughout the novel, even when Billy knew the plane was going to crash he said nothing and did nothing. He just let the flow of events happen. At this point he still felt as if the moment is structured and one cannot alter the moment. It wasn’t until the end when Billy has brain surgery he changes from being indifferent towards life to being proactive. It wasn’t until the brain surgery that Billy showed initiative and actively helped others. One could see satire in that in his normal state without surgery Billy was a passive member of society. It wasn’t until brain surgery, the positive changes or proactive changes begin to occur in Billy’s life.